Sunday, 17 February 2013


Thank you for reading my blog.This segment involves us meeting our health workers up close.
 check out this young nurse and tell me what you think....
   Introduce yourself: My name is Agbonsohan Gift
      when you are not working what are you doing? : Hanging out with friends and shopping.
      what was your first reaction when you first lost a patient? I felt really sad.
what is that thing you can do that people don't believe that you can because you are a nurse? *smiles* I can  play football.

    send me the questions you would want your health workers to be asked


   Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is considered a behavioral condition and is marked by inability to to concentrate,restlessness,hyperactivity and impulse behavior  This can impair learning,family relationship and even physical safety. 
      children with ADHD may be;
Inattentive but not hyperactive and signs include;
  •  Making careless mistakes
  • Doesn't pay attention to details
  • Appears not to listen when spoken to
  • Has problems staying organised,planning ahead and finishing tasks.
Hyperactive and impulsive but able to pay attention and signs include;
  • talks excessively
  • has difficulty playing quietly or relaxing
  • may have a quick temper or 'short fuse'
  • acts without thinking
  • says the wrong things at the wrong time
  • often interrupts others
  • intrudes on other people's conservation or games
  • guesses rather than thinking through to solve a problem
  • blurts out answers without being called upon or waiting for the question to be completed.     
 Inattentive,impulsive and hyperactive 
Here the child has all the symptoms.
 Note that the diagnosis of this disorder has to be done by a specialist. we all know that children are energetic and most times inattentive so if you suspect this disorder see a specialist to either rule out or confirm this disorder.

Health trends and news!!: Anti-Müllerian Hormone Predicts IVF Success

Health trends and news!!: Anti-Müllerian Hormone Predicts IVF Success:   Women with a high concentration of anti-Müllerian hormone stand a better chance of giving birth after in vitro fertilization, according ...