Tuesday, 12 March 2013


Hello readers,
 i decided to do an article on how the public perceives nurses.. people are of the opinion that nurses are heartless and wicked..its funny because even some nurses confess that even their family members complain to them about them being changed after going through the training in nursing school ...like they care less for the human race and all that like there is a formal training in school on how to become mean and heartless  and have no regard for the human race,, ironically the nurse are actually trained to have a soft spot for caring and affection and all that towards people..but why is is that the nurse in the hospital are unhappy and  mostly unpleasant in carrying out their client care.They have no patience to answer your questions  when the reverse is suppose to be the case.
 I'll answer in my own opinion..nurses are very caring..loving and wonderfully made individuals who have been specially called into the profession .nursing is NOT for everybody and not for the dull..nurses are brilliant people. The nurse is taught in school how to be affectionate to everybody holistically treating every client has being special and important..now with all that being said..the thing is she appears hostile because of split emotions and lack of facilities to perform fully..she is always tired and still acts like she is still strong..her legs hurt..m sorry if she wasn't nice to u. *lol* Nurse are sha nice..ask their spouses*winks*
                                  SO ARE ALL NURSES WICKED?