Saturday 11 May 2013


Antisocial personality disorder is a psychiatric condition characterized by pervasive disregard for the law and rights of others. This condition also most times goes in hand with substance related abuses and alcoholism.
Deceitfulness; lying,cheating,taking advantage of others for personal pleasures.
Failure to conform to social norms; repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest. Ignoring traffic,rape and assault,etc
Impulsivity; inability to make plans and adhere to them.
Irritability and aggressiveness; fighting, assault, quick to anger.
Consistent irresponsibility; criminal offenses,repeated law breaking.
Lack of remorse; showing no concern for hurt,loss or stealing from others.
Reckless disregard; for safety of self and others
     The classic person with this disorder,has no remorse,no love o give,has problems holding down a job and even completing work responsibilities. He/she is quick to anger and also quick to let go,holds no grudges and his current sate of emotions shows no prediction for his future actions. They are at the risk of dying from accidents from  reckless driving,homicides,suicides .life imprisonments and so on.
   My question to you, Do you have an antisocial personality or you know someone that does,let me know and let us then talk about treatment options.... *wink*