Monday 17 June 2013


Paranoid personality disorder....
Individuals with this disorder are preoccupied with the thought that people are out to harm them, demean them. They have a general mistrust of others.
 Symptoms they present with include the following
  -Doubt peoples loyalty and commitments.
  -have difficulty confiding in others and giving personal information about themselves because it might be used against them in the future.
  -Grandiose mindset of importance makes them rigid and aggressive, form friends with their type of people and then form cult.
  -Are hypersensitive and react to criticism poorly.
   -They perceive danger on their character that is not apparent to others.
  -They are cold and distant in their relationships, they are jealous and aggressive and always believe their partner is not faithful.
  -They don't accept faults in problems because they believe they are always right.
   Treatment plan like I have always said in mental illness insight goes a long way, a lot of psychotherapy and maybe some drugs will be involved...


  1. Hey nurse, I hope one's showing of just a few of the mentioned symptoms doesn't neccessary mean they have the disorder... or does it?

  2. not really, it has to interfere with your ability to function as a normal person and interact with other people.


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